
Using Spreadsheets in Report Analysis

Analyzing reports provide all of a company’s operational information. Reports are important and the reporting parameters vary by each firm. The effective functioning of a company requires appropriate analysis.

Sales Module => Reporting => Sales

The Sales analysis can be viewed in different options like Graphical, Pivot, and Dashboard view. When you choose pivot view. The pivot table in the Sales module can be used to generate any type of sales report. Different measures can be added to view the pivot table.

Sales Analysis

You can add extra elements by clicking on the + sign. It is possible to flip the axis, expand the table and download the data as well by using the above options. 

Sales Analysis

You can insert the prepared report into an Excel sheet by clicking the insert in spreadsheet option.

Using Spreadsheets in Report Analysis

Choose the spreadsheet and confirm.

Spreadsheets in Report Analysis

Re-Insert Pivot

To re-insert the same pivot table into the same spreadsheet, select the cell to which you need to insert. Then select the re-insert pivot option under the Data.

Using Spreadsheets in Report Analysis

Insert Pivot Cell

If the spreadsheet is missing some data you can restore the lost data. Now, open Data and select the Insert pivot cell option then an insert pivot cell window appears and you can choose the cells to insert.

Conditional Formatting

In reports, the data must be highlighted based on its values. Under the Format option, you’ll find conditional formatting.

Using Spreadsheets in Report Analysis

Add the range to apply the format rules. After saving, it will be applied to the specified range. You can add another rule to highlight other fields.


Open insert menu and then select chart. On the right side, you can choose a chart type. Then mention the data series range. If the Data series is enabled then the title of the selected information will be displayed.

Spreadsheets in Report Analysis


It may be essential to verify another document in addition to this report. For that, you can provide a link to another page from here. From the insert menu select Link.

Using Spreadsheets in Report Analysis


A Filter sign can be found in the right corner and filters can be applied based on Date, Relation, and Text.

Using Spreadsheets in Report Analysis

These are the additional options available in the Odoo spreadsheet.

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