
Features of the Payroll Dashboard in Odoo 16

Managing Payroll is a complex task for HR in Odoo 16, requiring accurate recording of employee working hours, leave, time off, bonuses, deductions, and more. Explore the powerful features of the Payroll Dashboard in Odoo 16 to streamline these processes. Delve into sections like Warnings, Batches, Employer Cost, Employee trends, and Notes for a comprehensive overview of payroll management records in the Odoo Payroll application.

Let’s dive into the Payroll Dashboard of the Payroll application in Odoo to know its features. The below screenshot shows the dashboard which contains sections such as Warnings, Batches, Employer Cost, Employee trends and Notes section. The dashboard provides a general overview of the payroll management records in the payroll application.

Payroll Dashboard in Odoo 16

Warnings & Batches
Payroll Dashboard in Odoo 16

The warnings section shows the contracts of employees which is to be taken into further consideration.

The batches section displays the payslips of employees in batches along with their status. It thus gives a quick overview of the payroll functions.

Employer Cost & Employee Trends

The Employer Cost and the Employee Trends monthly or annually are shown in a graphical representation. It is always easier to interpret an information in a graphical format.

Payroll Dashboard in Odoo 16

We can select Annually or Monthly option to view the Employer and Employee details as per our requirement.


In the Notes section, we can add additional summary for improving the processes and noting down the tasks at hand. If you want to add multiple notes, Click on + button at the top right corner of the notes section.

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