Manufacturing Orders in Odoo 16
Manufacturing management is crucial to the growth of a business. The Manufacturing module in Odoo 16 is a powerful tool for organising and tracking manufacturing processes. Managing the Manufacturing sector within a firm can assist in cost reduction and increased business efficiency. The manufacturing module in Odoo combines simplicity with sophistication by integrating all of the manufacturing processes.
Work centers
Work center is a place where different operations of manufacturing is carried on.
Configuration => Settings
Enable Work Orders from the settings page.

Already created work centers can be seen from the dashboard.
Creating new Work centers
Configuration => Work centers
Click on the create button.

Add the work center name, code, tag. You can also add an alternative work center so that when the main work center is busy with other manufacturing process then the operation will be carried on this alternative work center.
Enter the expected duration of the order at the work center in the time efficiency field. Capacity is the number of products which can be produced. Add OEE Target & the time required before & after production.
Under the equipment tab you can add the equipments needed and under the IoT triggers menu select the devices needed.
After adding the details click save then the new work center will be created.
Bills of Materials
The Bill of Materials is a list of things that are needed to make your final product. You must first specify the end product and the materials required for the product to be manufactured before configuring the Bill of Materials.
Products => Bills of Materials
- Select the Bill of Materials option under the products menu.
- Click on the Create button to create a new Bill of Materials.
- Enter the product name for which you want to create a BoM.
- In the Components tab, add the products or materials required to manufacture the final product.
- If you want to add a work center or routing for the manufacturing process, go to the Operations tab and add the details.
- Save the BoM and it will be ready for use.
Once you have created a BoM, you can use it to create manufacturing orders and track the progress of the manufacturing process.
Creating Manufacturing Orders
Operations => Manufacturing Orders

A list of existing manufacturing orders will appear. To create a new manufacturing order, click the create button.

Add the product and then the Components are automatically added to the product. Schedule the date and time by clicking on the Scheduled date option. Add the quantity that needs to be manufactured and the responsible person who is assigned for placing the order.
Under the work orders menu add the operations and the work centers for carrying the manufacturing process.
After the configurations, use the save button to save it as a Draft.
To confirm the manufacturing order click on the confirm button.
If any of the components are not available or not in stock. Under the Component status, it will be displayed as Not Available. You have the option of waiting for the component or scraping it. The work orders tab shows the following.

If the components are not available then create a purchase order for that products. After receiving the products the items will be in stock.
When you got all of the necessary components, click the Start button to begin the operation.

The Stage has changed from confirmed to in progress. After clicking Done the status changes to finished. The Mark as Done button appears after the work is finished.

When you click on the mark as done button a warning appears to confirm. Then the status changes from To Close to Done. The detailed reports on Traceability, Product moves, and Cost analysis can be accessed through the smart buttons.
Odoo Manufacturing allows end users to build a product’s manufacturing order, pass it through various stages of a production line, and complete production.