
Maintaining Records & Files Following UAE Labour Law

In every business maintaining employees’ records & files is important. The number of employees in the company will mostly determine this. The UAE Labour Law specifies certain guidelines for maintaining personnel records and files.

As per the UAE labour law, the following records must be maintained by businesses with more than five employees:
  • Personal Details

Name, profession, age, nationality, place of residence, marital status, the effective date of employment, pay and whatever changes effected on the pay, penalties invoked against the employee, injuries and vocational diseases sustained, date & reasons for service termination.

  • Leave card

For each employee, the company maintains a leave card. Leave card is of three types: Annual leave card, Sick Leave card & Other leave. These leave cards will contain a record of the employees’ requested leaves.

Every employer who is employing more than fifteen employees should maintain additional records & files which include:
  • A register of wages

The employer shall maintain a register that includes the employee’s name along with their joining date, their daily pay, weekly, or monthly pay, allowances, commission payments, lengths of service, and job termination dates.

  • A register of work injuries

Maintain a record of work injuries & occupational diseases of each employee immediately after reporting to the employer.

  • The Regulations of the Work

These regulations must specifically outline the daily working hours, weekly holidays, other holidays, and the safety precautions and measures that must be taken to prevent work-related accidents and fire hazards. The workplace must prominently display these regulations. The labour department must approve the implementation of these rules and any revisions thereto within 30 days of the submission date.

  • Penalties Sheet

The workplace must prominently display the company’s disciplinary action policies. This must specify the actions taken against those who break the rules. The Ministry of Labour must give its permission for the imposition of penalties and any changes thereto within 30 days of the submission date.

Employers are required to keep employment records for a minimum of two years following the termination of an employee.

This blog is based on UAE Federal Law no.8 of 1980
