Manage Employee Contract using Odoo 15
A contract is an agreement that is legally accepted by two or more parties. Thus it helps to strengthen the relationship as well as communication with one another. Contracts are protected legally in which they are configured with the rules that the company has and the laws that are constituted for processing information. An HR can benefit from a good contract management platform in terms of accurate documentation and automation. In this module, you will be able to find all the details about the employee, contracts, salary information, and the status of each contract. The contract can also be created by selecting the employee. Learn to Manage Employee Contract using Odoo 15:
Employees Module => Employees => All Contracts

All the employee contracts have been listed out. You can find different stages for new contracts, running contracts, expired contracts, and cancelled contracts.

A new employee contract can be created by selecting the create option.
To make certain changes in the employee contract open the particular contract and edit it. The contract shows the details about the employee name, department, job position, contract date, and salary structure type. The contract also includes the information of working schedule, HR responsible, etc.

Contract details
Templates are added based on the contract type and the description can also be mentioned in the respective area.
Salary information
Salary information contains the wage, yearly and monthly cost, yearly advantages and fiscal voluntarism is updated after every salary increment.
Personal Documents
Personal documents like ID card copies will be visible here.

Contract status can be updated if it is ready to move to the next stage by clicking on the running, expired, or cancelled options. This can also be done by the drag and drop method from the contracts.
Back to Employees => Contracts :

Opening the contracts menu, different contracts of various employees and their contract status can be viewed.
You can see the contract history and the employee information by opening the respective employee.

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