PLM Module in Odoo-15
Product lifecycle management (PLM) defines how a product is managed as it moves through the various stages of its life cycle, including introduction and development, design, production, sales, and services. When a change request for tools, machines, processes, or other items is made, manufacturing design and production use the ‘Engineering Change Order’ (ECO) form. PLM Module in Odoo-15 has the potential of a social enterprise network to improve cross-departmental interaction.
PLM is utilized to manage Bill of Material (BoM) review and product lifecycle tracking based on Engineering Change Orders.

Configuration => ECO Stages

Four ECO stages were created already: new, in progress, validated, and effective. New stages can be added by clicking the create button and filling in the details.

Configuration => ECO Types
New ECO types can be created by entering their Name and Email Alias.

Configuration => ECO Tags

Creating new Engineering Change Order (ECO)
Start the Engineering Change Order from the PLM dashboard.

Fill in all required fields. Add Description, Type, select whether to Apply on BoM or Product only, and the responsible person. The date on which the changes should be implemented can be selected from the Effective field. You can also add the Product, Bill of Materials, and Tags. After you’ve completed all of the relevant fields then save the changes and click the Start Revision Button.

After clicking the Start Revision button, two smart buttons appear Documents and Revision.
You may now allocate the documents to the PLM operations on the order. Select and upload documents from the system to the platform.
Selecting the revision button you can see the details of the order.

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