Workers Organisations in Qatar
Workers Organisations in Qatar are groups that promote workers’ rights. They are in charge of safeguarding the rights and interests of its members and working on their behalf in all matters about the business. The Minister shall specify the requirements and steps necessary for the formation of Workers Organisations in Qatar, as well as the criteria for membership, their mode of operation, and the related and similar trades and industries. Employees may not be forced by the employer to join or leave any Workers Organisations in Qatar, or to follow their decisions. The committees are open only to Qatari employees.
Workers Committee
The workers in an establishment consisting of at least 100 Qatari employees can form a committee called Workers Committee. Additional committees may not be formed in the same establishment.
General Committee
The General Committee for the Workers of Trade or Industry may be formed by the workers committees in establishments engaged in a single trade or industry, or in trades or industries that are similar or related to it.
General Union of the Employees of Qatar
A general union called the General Union of the Employees of Qatar may be formed by the general committees of the workers in the various trades and industries. After receiving ministry clearance, the General Union of Qatari Workers may affiliate with any Arab or international organisation engaged in the field of Workers Organizations.
What are the activities prohibited in workers organisations?
- The practice of any political or religious activities
- Designing, printing, or distributing any items that are offensive to the State, the government, or the current state of affairs.
- Making any type of financial speculative investment.
- Accepting gifts or endowments without the Ministry’s consent.
If an organisation engages in any of the forbidden behaviour or works outside the scope of its intended purpose, the Minister may dissolve the organisation.
The following rules must be included that the labour unions must establish in accordance with models to be established by a Ministerial Decision:
- The conditions for the membership and the instances of its termination.
- The criteria for nomination and election procedures.
- The organization’s funding sources and the size of member subscriptions.
- The use of the organisations’ finances and the control over their financial transactions.
- The policies and procedures for organising and disposing of their properties after dissolution.
Employees have the right to strike if an acceptable resolution to their disagreement with the employer is not achievable after taking the following actions:
- Three-fourths of the workers on the trade or industry’s general committee must approve.
- Giving the employer a notice of at least two weeks before the start of the strike and obtaining Ministry clearance after consulting with the Minister of Interior Affairs regarding the date, time, and location of the strike.
- Strikes are not allowed in public utilities such as those relating to oil and gas, power, water, seaports, airports, hospitals, and transportation.
- Non-resort to strike before it becomes impossible for the parties to reach an acceptable agreement through mediation or arbitration in line with the terms of this law.
Labour Law No. (3) of the year 1962 and its amending Laws, (14) for the Year 1992 and (23) for the Year 1994.